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Engländerin riecht Parkinson-Krankheit schon Jahre vor der Erstdiagnose

Manchester (Großbritannien) – Mediziner der University of Manchester entwickeln derzeit einen neuen Diagnostik-Test zur Früherkennung von Parkinson. Ein Großteil des Erfolgs verdankt das Projekt der ungewöhnlichen Fähigkeit der Krankenschwester Joy Milne, die eine Erkrankung an der Parkinson-Krankheit schon Jahre vor der medizinischen Erstdiagnose sprichwörtlich riechen kann.Weiterlesen »Engländerin riecht Parkinson-Krankheit schon Jahre vor der Erstdiagnose

Research on caffeine to diagnose Parkinson’s

Researchers in Japan have discovered that people with Parkinson’s may have lower levels of caffeine in their blood after drinking tea and coffee.
The results, published in the online journal Neurology®, suggest that caffeine may be processed differently by those with the condition. The researchers hope this could lead to simple diagnostic blood test.Weiterlesen »Research on caffeine to diagnose Parkinson’s

Brain Stem Changes Identified in Parkinson’s

Summary: A new study reveals Parkinson’s patients have more copies of mitochondrial DNA in the brain stem, leading to increased cell death within that area.

Source: Newcastle University.

Experts at Newcastle and Sussex universities also revealed that surviving brain cells in the brainstem have more copies of mitochondrial DNA and this has not been identified before.Weiterlesen »Brain Stem Changes Identified in Parkinson’s

How Alzheimer’s Spreads Through the Brain

Alzheimer’s disease is caused by the build-up of two abnormal proteins, beta-amyloid and tau. Tau is particularly important because it causes neurons and their connections to die, preventing brain regions from communicating with each other normally. In the majority of cases, tau pathology first appears in the memory centres of the brain, known as the entorhinal cortex and hippocampal formation. This has been shown to occur many years before patients have any symptoms of disease.Weiterlesen »How Alzheimer’s Spreads Through the Brain