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The Evolution of Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

In this video from TIME, learn about the evolution of Parkinson’s disease treatment since the late 1950s. Vice president of media communications for the Michael J. Fox Foundation, Dr. Rachel Dolhun, discusses how treatment for the disease has developed over the years.

Dr. Dolhun explains that while the diagnosis procedure for Parkinson’s disease hasn’t changed too much since the 1950s, the way the disease is treated has changed substantially. Back then, there were no treatments for Parkinson’s disease and now there are many treatments to help with the symptoms of the condition. In addition, five new treatments are currently in clinical trials that may slow or stop the progression of the disease.

As well as medications, surgeries such as deep brain stimulation have help modern day Parkinson’s patients overcome some of the more pronounced symptoms of the disease.


Quelle: https://parkinsonsnewstoday.com/2018/01/04/treatment-parkinsons-disease-evolution/?utm_source=PAR+E-mail+List&utm_campaign=4311e9b436-RSS_WEEKLY_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_THURSDAY_NON-US&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_62dd4fb5e3-4311e9b436-72786797
